
What is different about this program compared to other online programs?

There is a huge gap in product offerings in the fitness world. You have to choose between hiring an experienced and expensive personal trainer at a gym OR you can choose self guided work outs with little to no instruction or support. ML Fitness was created to serve people who want the best of BOTH worlds. Our hybrid model allows you to have personalized fitness programs from a Master Trainer with the flexibility to do these workouts from your home, gym or even outside. 

Last but not least, there are thousands of fitness programs created for getting ROCK HARD ABS and getting YOUR BEACH BODY...  If you love throwing kettle bells around, bouncing from fad to fad, tossing tires or doing burpees...there are MANY workouts for you. BUT if you're more interested in a strong, balanced, fit body that allows you to do ANYTHING you want to do, you have found your fitness home.

Can I work this program from anywhere?

Yes. The beauty of this program is that it's online-based, meaning you can work it from anywhere.

Do I need a gym membership? 

A gym membership is not required. The beauty of this program is that it was designed to be done anytime – and anywhere. The only things that are needed is your bodyweight and bodyelastics tubing. Also, with our Platinum and Gold Programs, you'll have the ability to communicate with us about your workout environment so that we can customize accordingly.

How can I get stronger with bodyweight and tubing? 

Strength is the adaptation that muscles make when joints are provided with greater and greater stress. Greater stress can be achieved with more time under tension, additional reps, different speeds, increased resistance, and so on. With bodyweight and tubing, we still have the ability to provided targeted stress in all of these areas.

Who is this program recommended for?

This program was created for the person wanting the expertise of a Master Personal Trainer with the flexibility of an in-home training solution. ML Fitness is your all-encompassing solution. Our program is a Hybrid Model that offers you training at a fraction of the cost without sacrificing instruction or support. We want you to feel your best.

You may notice that you can't do the activities you want without restriction – for example, you can't play with your kids/grandkids or participate in sports without experiencing discomfort. Maybe you want to travel more, spend more time on the golf course or just feel strong and capable. The goal of this program is to become the healthiest person possible. We focus on a well-rounded approach to your mind and body.  If you want to become stronger and healthier – not just look good.

You have to earn the life you want, and it takes hard work. I require dedication and commitment to truly execute this program successfully.  You must be willing to invest your time, energy and patience.

Do I have to take my body measurements? 

Yes, I always tell my clients that one of the most important things we can do is take a measurement. These measurements provide us with the data we need to see where we are improving and where we aren’t.

How are workouts customized?

You'll receive access to the ML Fitness app where instructional videos will teach you how to perform and customize specific exercises, based on your ability to control movement, keep tension in desired muscles, and maintain appropriate alignment. Combined with your Self-Exercise Assessment (SEA) findings, we'll be able to create unique exercises for your specific needs. Our more comprehensive plans offer more communication and therefore customization of your fitness plan.

What is the Self-Exercise Assessment (SEA)? 

Our bodies are all designed to move in the same fashion. The SEA is the method I use with the clients I see in-person, in which we strategically target specific movements that are integral to optimal functioning. I will provide you with strategies, tools and videos to provide me with the information I need to determine where specific weaknesses are.

Why is it important to “feel” muscles? 

When you can “feel” a muscle working, you'll know you are performing the motion correctly and that the targeted muscle is working. Oftentimes people finish an exercise with no idea what muscles were working. I typically find that these exercises fail to maximize their benefit.

What nutritional guidelines are provided? Is this a diet? 

I don’t believe in diets. I believe in creating positive structures for eating that will last your lifetime. The guidelines provided aim to create the backbone of your new healthy strategy. It contains information on foods you should start to avoid, and strategies for building positive new habits.